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°­»çÀ̸§ Pedro(F4,ºÎÆò°ÅÁÖ,ÀαÙÁö¿ªÈñ¸Á)  
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±¹Àû USA
»ý³â¿ùÀÏ 1966³â 12¿ù 28ÀÏ
È¥Àο©ºÎ Married
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Àü°ø Business Administration & Management and Psychology (Dual Major)
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Name: Pedro Choi    Sex: M    Age: 42    Date of Birth: 28 Dec 1966    Place of Birth: Buenos Aires, Argentina
Race (Originality): Korean  Nationality:  U.S.A. & Argentine  Length of time living in the States:  Over 35 years
Blood Type: B  Chinese Zodiac: The Year of the Horse  Astrological/Zodiac Sign:  Capricorn  Family Members: 5
Present Home or Location:  Incheon.

Highest Degree Awarded: University of the State of New York  Major: Business Admininstration & Management and Psychology (Dual Major)
I had the unique opportunity to attend the Carson Long Institute, a military academy, which afforded me the opportunity and option of attending West Point, one of the most elite and renowned military academies in the world.

Certificates & Awards:  Juvenile Justice, Tae Kwon Do/Moo Doo Kwan (5th Degree), Office Skills, LVA and Motivational Skills
Amount of English experience: A bona fide native speaker  Other Languages:  Spanish

Marital Status:  Married    Any Children?  2 (a daughter of 3 years and a son of 3 months)

Dream careers or aspirations:  I¡¯d love to find a career where there¡¯d be lots of traveling, work that¡¯s extremely high-paced and competitive; risk taking, exciting & fun; one that¡¯s open-minded and demands excellence and, of course, one that reaps very high rewards. 
  Hopefully, by the 24th of March of next year, 2009, I¡¯d like to be able to move my family back to my hometown of New York City. Where I can give my wife and children one of the best experiences life has to offer¡¦to live and grow up in the greatest city in the world.
  Ultimately, I¡¯d like to embark on a journey that spreads as much peace and happiness to each and every living soul possible.

Hobbies:  Sports [basketball, handball (New York style), football (American style), volleyball, tennis and bowling), watching movies, studying fashion, listening to music (R&B, Latin free-style, rap, ballads, Reggae, Indie, House, Progressive, etc.). I love to dance, hit the night clubs (American style, never Korean), billiards (pocket), chess, history, Philosophy, God and Theology. I enjoy fixing up my home and just any ole thing. I¡¯m a car enthusiast. I love meeting new people, learning about them, their customs and cultures and, perhaps, most of all, trying all kinds of their foods. I love animals. And above all, I am a humanitarian and a great lover of our wonderful and precious Earth. 

Some of the countries that I¡¯ve had the opportunity to visit: Argentina, Brazil, Canada, America, Puerto Rico, Korea, Japan and Hong Kong/China

Religion:  Christian.

Weight:  77 kgs/175 lbs.      Height: 175 cm/5¡¯8¡±      Waist:  34 in.      Shoe/Foot Size:  275 cm/10 in.

I am a hard and dedicated worker, who can¡¯t help but to take his job home with him. I¡¯m always trying to improve all aspects of a task that happens to find its way before me. I strive for knowledge and excellence. Honor. Justice. Love & Peace.
Well, thank you very much for taking the time out to read what little I wrote about myself
I hope to be hearing from you real soon but, until then, please take care.

ILS in Kimpo 2006 ~ Present English Instructor
Ä¿¹ö·¹ÅÍ/À̷¼­ Pedro the Gyopo English Teacher

Getting to know me a little:
  My name is Pedro and I¡¯m a product of the 60¡¯s. I¡¯m the direct descendant of a couple of ridiculously, hardworking Korean parents. People often find it interesting when they learn that I happened to be born in Argentina. You see, back in the 60¡¯s, we found ourselves living in the city of Buenos Aires when my parents along with my older sister, April, decided to leave their hometown of Seoul, Korea and migrate half way across the globe all the way to the South American continent after the tragic accidental death of my oldest brother, Seung-Boh, (he was only about 4 at the time). They originally intended to make their way to Paraguay, but after hearing all sorts of rumors of the Paraguayan people threatening, harassing, robbing and even killing Koreans because they felt animosity towards them, believing that they were threatening their livelihood by taking over what little work that was available. They then headed straight across the boarder, over into São Paulo, Brazil. After living there for a short time, my father got a prospective call from someone he knew back in Korea, suggesting that he try looking for a job in the land of opportunity and in the greatest city of the world, New York City. So we moved on out to there when I was somewhere about 3.
  I married late in life but was still blessed with 2 darling little kids. My first child, a daughter, Arita, was born on the 8th of May of 2006, coincidently, on Parent¡¯s Day (the Korean holiday celebrating parents) and my newly born son, Unido, who was born on the 25th of April of this year, 2008.
I met my loving wife, Eun-Shin, just about a week after I arrived in Korea in the spring of 2004. She did me the honor of marrying me just a year later.
I have been teaching English for well over 20 years, here and there. I love the academic community and thirst for knowledge. As far as I can see right now, I plan to stay in the educational field for many years to come. I am a highly energetic person and love teaching others and, learning from them as well. I love sports. Basketball is probably, by far, my most loved and active sport. I also love football (American style) but because it isn¡¯t all that popular here in Korea, I haven¡¯t had one chance to even toss a football around, let alone, get in a pick-up game or two. But, anyway, I also enjoy most of the other major sports that are out there besides soccer, I suppose. Soccer was never a popular sport while I was growing up in the mean streets of New York City. I love reading anything that¡¯s worthwhile. I am very much young at heart and live life much that way, much to the horror and dismay of many Korean people. But in order to keep a job as a teacher in Korea, I have been forced to conduct myself in a manner that¡¯s acceptable to my fellow countrymen.
Well, I hope someday soon we can get the chance to meet one another in person and talk. And, who knows, perhaps, we can find ourselves sharing some wonderful and exciting thoughts and ideas along the way.
Thank you very much for taking the time to read and find out a little about me.

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