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  Matthew ParkÀÎõ±Ù±³ Èñ¸Á,ju
¹øÈ£ 1,839
°­»çÀ̸§ Matthew ParkÀÎõ±Ù±³ Èñ¸Á,ju  
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±¹Àû USA
»ý³â¿ùÀÏ 1985³â 3¿ù 21ÀÏ
È¥Àο©ºÎ Single
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Àü°ø Psychology
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California State Polytechnic University, Pomona                                                                                                June 2008               
B.A. Psychology,    GPA: 3.30

Upland High School                                                                                                                                                June 2003                                           
High School Diploma,    GPA:  3.76

It is so easy to recall the previous teachers that we have had.  This is because they have left such a profound impact on our lives, that we will probably never forget them.  However, as you recall all of your previous teachers; it is easy to note that they were not all good ones.  In order to be a good, effective teacher, you must first and foremost be intrinsically motivated, you also have to possess the knowledge and be able to create an environment where learning can thrive.  I believe that I possess these three essentials.
            The most apt teachers are the ones who are intrinsically motivated, they do the job simply because they love it and for no other reason.  I myself, at this moment in my life cannot think of a job I would rather be doing than teaching English in Korea.  Teaching is not the type of job where you clock out and you don¡¯t have anything to do with the job until you clock back in the next morning.  Teaching is the type of job where you take it home with you.  This is why it is so important to be intrinsically motivated, because than you will not only, not mind putting in the extra time to get the job done right, you will enjoy it.  This is a huge part of what makes a good teacher.
            Of course a good teacher has to have mastered the subject in which they are teaching.  The most important thing I believe that I have to offer as someone who has used English for his entire life is, subject-specific knowledge.  That is, how the knowledge or in this case: English, is used in real life.  There is no doubt in my mind, that I have adequate knowledge to teach an English class.  Although English wasn¡¯t my strongest subject most of my life, having to read and write so much as a psychology major in college soon changed that, and I easily aced my last required college English class, as well as most of my papers thereafter. 
            Finally, to be an effective teacher you must be able to create an environment where learning can thrive. I believe that I will be able to implement this type of environment because as a psychology major I studied about people, relationships, environments, and things that I can use in this context.  One class I know I will be applying a lot of information from is my educational psychology class, which was all about what to do and not to do to create the most suitable environment for learning.  Another class that I will find to be extremely helpful to me not only as a teacher but throughout my stay in Korea would be my Multicultural Psychology class.  Although I have lived in Korea for three years from the age of seven to ten, and have even attended a Korean elementary school for a year, I know that there are many culture differences that I have not encountered or simply have forgotten about.  However, I look forward to encountering, embracing and adapting to those cultural differences during my stay in Korea. 
            In the end, I believe that I will be a successful teacher because I will be intrinsically motivated, I will know the material, and I can create an environment where learning can thrive.  I know that I will get as much from this experience as I put in, and I plan on getting a lot. 
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